 |  | Prozap LarvaGuard Mosquito Larvicide Granule 2.5lb Slow Release $24.99 |  |
 | 16 oz D-Fense Sc Insecticide Insect Pest Control Bed Bugs Fleas $32.00 |  |
 |  | Advion Roach Bait Killer Gel - 4 Tubes - Plunger&Tips - * Fast Shipping * $31.95 |  |
 | Garden Safe 32 oz. Houseplant and Garden Insect Killer Ready-to-Use $18.99 |  |
 |  | Bayer - Tempo Sc Ultra For Insects - 240ml $39.99 |  |
 | Hi-Yield Dormant Spray Controls Insects During Dormant Season 16 fl oz by Vpg $20.87 |  |
 |  | Thuricide Bt Caterpillar Control 8oz Controls Ants Moths Worms by Southern Ag $12.08 |  |
 | Temprid Fx 900 mL Bed Bug Roaches Ants Formerly Sc $154.88 |  |
 |  | Gentrol Igr Concentrate - 16 Oz $69.97 |  |
 | Monterey Fruit Tree & Vegetable Insecticide/Pesticide Concentrate, 32 oz $23.41 |  |
 |  | Sevin Garden Insect Killer Ready to Use Dust 1lb- Free & Fast Shipping $11.69 |  |
 | BioAdvanced 2-In-1 Systemic Rose and Flower Care, Granules For Insects, 5 lb $19.99 |  |
 |  | Garden Tech Sevin Insect Killer Ready To Spray Liquid Protect Garden 32oz $15.75 |  |
 | Bonide 941 Concentrated Systemic Insect Pest Control 16 oz Pint Size $34.90 to |  |
 |  | Talstar 3/4 Gal Talstar Professional Bifenthrin 96 oz. - Not For: Ct, Ny, Sd, Vt $62.99 |  |
 | Bug Stop 1 Gal. Rtu Home Insect Control $9.84 |  |
 |  | Martins Permethrin 10% Livestock and or Dog Kennel 16oz $23.45 |  |
 | Acelepryn Insecticide 4 fl oz Foliar Systemic Control $101.99 |  |
 |  | Termidor Sc 20 oz. Termite Ant Control Basf Termiticide $79.95 |  |
 | Monterey Garden Insect Spray 32 oz Liquid Concentrate w/ Spinosad - pest control $39.95 |  |
 |  | Martins Permethrin 10% Livestock Dog Kennel Poultry 8oz Permethrin 10% $15.25 |  |
 | Bonide Systemic Houseplant Insect Control Plant Bug Ants Roaches Spiders 8oz $17.99 |  |
 |  | Permethrin Sfr 16oz- Broadcast Insecticide $29.95 |  |
 | Demon Max $35.95 |  |
 |  | Acelepryn Granular Insecticide bag (25 lbs) $155.06 |  |
 | Demon Wp | Pest Control For Ants Roaches Spiders & Other Insects 4 Packets $13.47 |  |
 |  | Bifenthrin I/T Bifen 7.9 Insecticide controls over 75 pests - 32oz $42.95 |  |
 | Terro 3 lb. Outdoor Ant Killer Granules Plus Shaker Bag $11.99 |  |
 |  | Raid® Concentrated Deep Reach Pest Killer, Fogger for Roaches 1.5 fl oz, 4 Cans $15.95 |  |
 | Hi-Yield Insecticide Bug Killer 32oz Concentrate Lawn & Garden Pest Control New $34.95 |  |
 |  | Bayer 400 Ml ( 13.53 oz ) Temprid Fx Insecticide Pest Control Roaches Ants Fleas $76.88 |  |
 | Talstar P - Professional Insecticide - Ant, Termite, Bed Bug, Cockroach, Flea $39.99 |  |
 |  | 16 Oz (Pint) Demon Max Pest Insect Control Insecticide 25.3% No Ship to Ny Ct Vt $34.95 |  |
 | Systemic Insect Spray 32oz hose Hi-Yield Insect & Grub Killer Hose Sprayer $18.71 |  |
 |  | Bug Stop Rtu Home Insect Control Pest Ants Roach Spiders Flea Killer Us 1 gallon $10.99 |  |
 | Permethrin Sfr 36.8% Insecticide Gallon $109.00 |  |
 |  | Mgk NyGuard Igr Concentrate 16 fl oz $159.97 |  |
 | raid max bug barrier Refill 128 Oz $165.00 |  |
 |  | BioAdvanced 3-In-1 Insect, Disease & Mite Control Ready To Use, 24 oz $18.14 |  |
 | Advion Cockroach Gel Bait 4Pk $20.00 |  |
 |  | Southern Ag Pyrethrin Concentrate- 8 fl oz $21.99 |  |
 | 14.35 lbs. 5,000 sq. ft. Season Long Grub Killer Protects Lawns Up to 4 Months $33.03 |  |
 |  | Natria 706250A Neem Oil Spray for Plants Pest Organic Disease Control, 24-Ounce. $15.99 |  |
 | Vector Ban Insecticide $59.97 |  |
 |  | BugMd Pest Control Essential Oil Concentrate for pet Flea&Tick Spray 3.7Oz 1-2Pc $32.81 to |  |
 | BioAdvanced 24 Hour Grub & Insect Killer Plus Kills By Contact Granules 10 lbs $40.63 |  |
 |  | Ortho Orthene Fire Ant Killer - 12oz $25.74 |  |
 | BioAdvanced Season Long Grub Control Plus Turf Revitalizer Rtu Granules 12 lbs $42.99 |  |
 |  | Temprid Fx Insecticide – 400 ml Bottle | Dual-Action Bed Bug Treatment $64.00 |  |
 | Monterey Fruit Tree & Vegetable Systemic Soil Drench Insecticide, 1 Gallon $38.54 |  |
 |  | Bonide Insect Control Systemic Granules Ready-to-Use Water Resistant 4 lbs $37.98 |  |
 | Syngenta Demon Wp Insecticide Same-Day Shipping $10.95 |  |
 |  | Stem Insect Spray for Indoor and Outdoor Plants Kills Garden Insects Plant Safe $10.99 |  |
 | Bonide Products 788 Eight Insect Control Garden Granules, 3 Lb $14.91 |  |
 |  | 20 Discs Gentrol Point Source Insect Growth Regulator Roach Pantry Pest Control $59.95 |  |
 | Martins Permethrin 13.3% Livestock Dog Kennel Poultry 8oz Permetherin 13.3% $15.25 |  |
 |  | Gentrol Igr Concentrate 16oz Bottle Insect Growth Regulator Bedbugs Cockroaches $70.00 |  |
 | Monterey Garden Insect Spray Concentrate, for Organic Gardening, 16 Oz/ 1 pint $21.99 |  |
| Click to see more Insect & Grub Control items at www.ebay.com
Prices current as of last update, 03/11/25 8:14am.