| | Trio Fragrant Check Tags Pink, Green Yellow Large Flowers 3 Orchids 2” Pots $26.99 | |
| Orchids Laelia Cattleya Lc. Mini Song ‘Petite’ Am/Aos-2 Spikes! $34.99 | |
| | C. Dubiosa `Springtime' Sm/Sfos Cattleya Orchid Plant $99.99 | |
| (Epidendrum) Postechea Cochleata orchid species Or Enc. Cochleata $29.95 | |
| | Blc. Michael Edward Boersma `Carmela' Hcc/Aos Cattleya Orchid Plant $53.00 | |
| *In Bud*Macleania benthamiana neotropical Ericaceae cool-growing epiphyte Rare $99.99 | |
| | Cattleya Lake Cachuma 'Foothills'. Cattleya Tribe Orchid Plant. Nbs. $24.00 | |
| Cavendishia (adenophora x micayensis) neotropical Ericaceae epiphytic Rare fuzzy $99.99 | |
| | Orchids Laelia Cattleya Pot. Memoria Ralph Smith ‘Black Beauty’-Select! $125.00 | |
| Rlc Golden Godzilla Large Golden Yellow Fragrant Flowers Orchid Hybrid 5.5” Pot $26.99 | |
| | Epicyclia Mabel Kanda. Cattleya Orchid Large Plant. Blooming Size! $24.00 | |
| 30 Geranium Ivy League Orchid Live Plants Plugs Garden Planters Diy 228 $9.99 | |
| | Rlc. Waianae Leopard 'Ching Hua'. Cattleya Species Orchid Plant. Blooming Size. $26.00 | |
| Ctt. Fire Dance 'Patricia'. Cattleya Orchid Plant. In Sheath. $38.00 | |
| | Beallara Big Shot ‘Hilo Sparkle’ + Onc. Opalescent Both 1 Spike Orchid 4” Pot $26.99 | |
| Rlc Yasuji Takasaki ‘Hawaii’ Fragrant Large Two Tone Orange Flower Orchid 4” Pot $20.99 | |
| | Species – Cattleya loddigesii Select Outcross Orchid Plant $15.95 | |
| Blc. Subprasert (Sangyung Ruby x Bonnyarit Sunset) Cattleya Orchid Plant $42.00 | |
| | Cattleya Rlc Haruko Kanzaki ‘Volcano Queen’ Pink Fragrant Orchid Hybrid 5.5” Pot $26.99 | |
| Cattleya X Frankeana (schilleriana x velutina) Pink White Yellow Orchid 2” Pot $20.99 | |
| | Pot. Paradise Rose `My Valentine' Compact Cattleya Orchid Plant $38.00 | |
| Dendrobium (Blue Violetta X Diamond Queen) Orchid Hybrid Two Spikes 4” Pot $20.99 | |
| | The Omg Of Morning Glory.First Bloom Seedling.1 Of A Kind $24.95 | |
| Anthopterus schultzeae neotropical Ericaceae Very Rare subtropical warm-cool $79.99 | |
| | Rlc. Chief Fender 'Velvet Wedding'. Cattleya Hybrid Orchid Plant. In Sheath! $30.00 | |
| Trio Pot Immaculate ❤️ + Rlc Anna Ballmores + Rlc Yonges Island 3 Orchids 2” Pot $26.99 | |
| | Encyclia profusa Orchid Species Fragrant Chartreuse Ivory Purple 1.5” Pot $19.99 | |
| Live Orchid Plant -Den. Red Emperor—Noble— $29.00 | |
| | Rlc Cornerstone ‘Perfection’ X Hawaiian Ruby ‘Paradise’ Pink Purple Orchid 2” Pt $19.99 | |
| Orchids Laelia Cattleya Pot. Golden Costa x Blc. Sanyung Ruby-Flower! $44.99 | |
| | Rhododendron wrightianum Brown-Black epiphyte Vireya orchid *Very Rare flowers $99.99 | |
| Cattleya percivaliana alba, Sonia de Urbano lineage seedling mini compot $30.00 | |
| | Rlc Thaksina Gold Cattleya Orchid Hybrid Large Yellow Flowers Fragrant 5.5” Pot $24.99 | |
| Cattleya labiata 'Classico' x'September Mist'. Cattleya Species Orchid Plant. $20.00 | |
| | Agapetes smithiana major Ericaceae V Rare caudiciform epiphyte subtropical $54.99 | |
| Miltoniopsis Snow Charm ‘Mauna Kea’ White Amber Bs Spike Orchid Hybrid 4” Pot $23.50 | |
| | Lc. Prism Palette `Carnival' Am/Aos Awarded Division Cattleya Orchid Plant $149.99 | |
| Paphiopedilum parishii, near bloom size rare multifloral slipper orchid species $70.00 | |
| | Orchids Laelia Cattleya Lc. Lucy Chua x C. Tai Rose-Flower! $34.99 | |
| Cattleya Ruth Ciejka (forbesii x tenebrosa) White Yellow Pink Orchid 2” Pot $20.99 | |
| | Rhododendron 'Fairy Dancer' Miniature rubineiflorum vireya epiphyte Rare $59.99 | |
| Bcn Maikai ‘Mayumi’ Pink Purple White Spots Fragrant Mericlone Orchid 2.5” Pot $20.99 | |
| | Dendrobium Niefert’s Quest X Little Sweet Scent Fragrant Orchid Hybrid 4” Pot $20.99 | |
| Rhododendron 'Orange Flambée' Vireya large peachy vigorous shrub landscape $31.99 | |
| | Unbloomed Fragrant Cattleyas Check The Tags Three Plants Ship Orchid 2" Pots $26.99 | |
| Brassavola Little Stars . Cattleya Orchid Blooing Size Plant. In Triple Spike! $28.00 | |
| | Maxillaria Maui Coconut Fragrant Bloom Size Red White Orchid Hybrid 2” Pot $20.99 | |
| Orchid hybrid Stanhopea Reichenbachiana X Tigrina First Bloom Highly Scented $45.00 | |
| | Cattleya Triumphans 4N, Extremely rare tetraploid form orchid two seedlings $40.00 | |
| Dendrobium My Sweet 'Wink'. Dendrobium Orchid Plant. Blooming Size. $28.00 | |
| | Laelia moyabambae X Mcp wendlandii Orchid Pink Orange Long Spikes 2” Pot Orchid $20.99 | |
| Onc. Heaven Scent 'Redolence' Fragrant In Multi Spike $30.00 | |
| | Dendrobium nobile V Virginalis New Division White Fragrant Orchid 4” Pot $20.99 | |
| One Rooted Cutting Very Rare Philodendron Smithii Exotic Pulpit Red Flower $14.99 | |
| | Ctt Portia (G. bowringiana ‘1 In A Million’ X C labiata) Orchid Hybrid 2” Pot $20.99 | |
| Blc. Momilani Rainbow `Elizabeth Off' Cattleya Orchid Plant $62.00 | |
| | Rlc. George King 'Serendipity'. Cattleya Tribe Orchid Plant. Nbs $28.00 | |
| Oncidium Tsiku Marguerite + (Den. Blue Violetta X Diamond Queen) Orchid W/Spikes $26.99 | |
| | Cattlianthe Painted Cave 'Red Warrior' cattleya orchid Division Only 1 $24.50 | |
| Aloidendron eminens [tallest, rarest, & slowest tree aloe] Somalia succulent $84.99 | |
| | Cattleya Callistoglossa (purpurata Shusteriana X warscewiczii S/A) Fragrant 4” $19.99 | |
| Rlc Fritz Nickolaus ‘Spring Dance’ Purple Fragrant Mericlone Orchid 2.5” Pot $20.99 | |
| | Pot. Shinfong Jewel `Waldor' Original Cattleya Orchid Plant $49.99 | |
| Rlc Yoko Kilbourne ‘Ernie’ Purple Yellow Fragrant Mericlone Large Orchid 2.5” Pt $20.99 | |
| | Lc. George Baldwin `Scott Off' Cattelya Orchid Plant $152.50 | |
| Bllra Big Shot ‘Pink Leopard’ Bloom Size $28.50 | |
| | Cattleya Lc Featherrae ‘Misty Blue’ Coerulea Mericlone Orchid 2.5” Pot $20.99 | |
| Seedling Pink Trio Cattleya harrisoniana + trianae + L. anceps Orchids 2” Pots $26.99 | |
| | Laelia albida 'Blue Boy. Cattleya Tribe Species Orchid Plant. $26.00 | |
| Orchids Laelia Cattleya Pot. Excellent Ina x C. Fuku's Baby-Flower! $39.99 | |
| | Psammisia ulbrichiana neotropical Ericaceae Ultra Rare subtropical cavendishia $129.99 | |
| Cavendishia adenophora neotropical Ericaceae edible Very Rare $69.99 | |
| | Blc. Spotted Charm `Mayela' Cattleya Orchid Plant $36.00 | |
| Ludisia discolor (Jewel Orchid) Live Plant Easy To Grow Huge ~ $7.50 | |
| | Huge Rare Hoya Carnosa Plant Pink Fragrant Flower Beautiful Splashed Leaf $18.99 | |
| Compot: Vanda roeblingiana 6 Seedlings Intermediate to Cool, Easy orchid species $44.99 | |
| | Rlc Blanche Aisaka ‘Yuki’ Purple White Fragrant Mericlone Large Orchid 2.5” Pot $20.99 | |
| Cattleya lueddemanniana. Cattleya Species Orchid Plant. $18.00 | |
| | C. Louis Chaton (per`Summit' x tri `Cashen's')1898 Remake Cattleya Orchid Plant $52.51 | |
| Orchids paphiopedilum Red Storm-Spike! $50.00 | |
| | Cattleya harrisoniana Peloric x purpurata sanguinea Peloric Orchid 4” Pot $19.99 | |
| Very Rare Hoya cv Sunrise Plant Color Changing Veined Leaf Scented Flower $16.99 | |
| | Trio Pot Love Triangle + Lc Mini Song + Rlc Blanche Aisaka 3 Orchids 2” Pots $26.99 | |
| Unbloomed Mystery Cattleyas Check The Tags Three Plants Ship Orchid 2" Pots $26.99 | |
| | Vanda tessellata x Sandra Gail Hatos Purple Yellow Amber Orchid 3” Basket + Hang $19.99 | |
| C. Mishima Pearl `Blumen Insel' Bm/Joga Am/Aos Original Cattleya Orchid Plant $299.99 | |
| | Rhododendron wentianum Very Rare zygomorphic beautiful Vireya orchid $134.99 | |
| Hard To Find Ctsm. Lucis In Bloom With 40 Inch Spike. $34.95 | |
| | Very Rare Hoya Carnosa Stardust Plant 3.5" Pot Striking Leaf Pink Flower $19.99 | |
| Rlc Yonges Island ‘Newberry’ Pink Fragrant Mericlone Orchid Hybrid 2.5” Pot $20.99 | |
| | Rhododendron 'Miss Muffet' vireya neotropical epiphyte orchid Rare $39.99 | |
| Rlc Hawaiian Passion ‘Carmela’ Green White Fragrant Mericlone Orchid 1.5” Pot $19.99 | |
| | Bc. Mount Anderson 'Geneviere' Am/Aos 1967 Cattleya Orchid Plant $124.99 | |
| Cattleya Trio Rlc Dick Smith + Yoko Kilbourne + Curtis Oda 3 Orchids 2” Pots $26.99 | |
| | Ctna. Why Not (`Pure Butter' x self) Cattleya Orchid Plant $40.00 | |
| Pot. Golden Pumelo `Ching Hua' Mericlone Cattleya Orchid Plant $46.00 | |
| | C. quadricolor splash `Canaima's Pride' Original Cattleya Orchid Species Plant $249.99 | |
| Cattleya Fulvescens (C. forbesii aurea X dowiana aurea) Orchid Hybrid 4" Pot $24.99 | |
| | Bc. Mount Anderson 'Louvre' Am/Aos 1973 Tested Clean 01/24 Cattleya Orchid Plant $174.99 | |
| Rhododendron planecostatum red tubular Waxy natural hybrid vireya Extremely Rare $54.99 | |
| Click to see more Orchid Plant items at www.ebay.com
Prices current as of last update, 11/16/24 3:14am.